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L'ho perso. Ho perso il mood bowiano...:-( a voi un pod dal ritmo serrato mentre io vago tra la musica alla ricerca di un nuovo mood (che volete? ognuno ha le sue fisse e la mia è quella di avere un mood) You don't have to be a soldier to fight but you'd better have a killer in you You don't have to be a poet to die it's the little things that kill you Everybody gets a bad break a little hit of pain and sorrow Just forget about tomorrow Keep on singin...


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sabato   24/05/2008





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  • Brano e Album
  • 1.
  • Firewater
  • Electric City - The Golden Hour
  • 1.
  • McLusky
  • No Covers - To Hell With Good Intentions
  • 1.
  • Panther
  • Violence, Diamonds - 14 Kt God